Armand Brunelle - Author

Lenten Reading Reflections
For Individuals or Small Groups
Armand Brunelle's inaugural publication lists the Sunday scripture readings for Lent for each Liturgical Year. A short reflection is also provided. It is Armand's aspiration that engaging with these scriptures in a group setting, alongside his contemplations, will spark meaningful discussions and enhance the group's readiness for Mass. The end goal is to apply the message of the readings to our lives and help us form a deeper connection with God and strengthen our spiritual journey.

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Easter Reading Reflections
For Individuals or Small Groups
Keep it going! This book continues from Armand's Lenten Reading Reflections where he has organized the Sunday scripture readings for Easter for each Liturgical Year. A short reflection is also provided. It is Armand's aspiration that engaging with these scriptures in a group setting, alongside his contemplations, will spark meaningful discussions and enhance the group's readiness for Mass. The end goal is to apply the message of the readings to our lives and help us form a deeper connection with God and strengthen our spiritual journey.

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Advent & Christmas Reading Reflections
For Individuals or Small Groups
Start the New Liturgical Year off Right! This book continues from Armand's Lenten Reading Reflections where he has organized the Sunday scripture readings for Advent and Christmas for each Liturgical Year. A short reflection is also provided. It is Armand's aspiration that engaging with these scriptures in a group setting, alongside his contemplations, will spark meaningful discussions and enhance the group's readiness for Mass. The end goal is to apply the message of the readings to our lives and help us form a deeper connection with God and strengthen our spiritual journey.

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Ordinary Time Reading Reflections
For Individuals or Small Groups
Ordinarty Time is far from Ordinary! This book continues from Armand's Lenten Reading Reflections where he has organized the Sunday scripture readings for Ordinary Time for each Liturgical Year. A short reflection is also provided. It is Armand's aspiration that engaging with these scriptures in a group setting, alongside his contemplations, will spark meaningful discussions and enhance the group's readiness for Mass. The end goal is to apply the message of the readings to our lives and help us form a deeper connection with God and strengthen our spiritual journey.

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